[Bug] Omni waypoints off-map

Started by GoodMorning, December 04, 2016, 08:35:16 PM

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A (balance-affecting) glitch with the UI.

Picture Omnis moving from A via B to C. When the player picks up the ghost B to (say) dodge particles, and moves it off the map, the following occurs (the Omnis still target the point)...

  • North edge: Waypoint tracks off the edge, but cannot be placed. Can be used to move Omnis outside the map.
  • East/West edge: Moves to the smallest positive "mouseXpos % mapwidth" position.
  • South edge: Waypoint moves to the correct Y and to the closest negative "mouseXpos % mapwidth" position. Again possible to have Omnis track it off the map edge.

NE/NW combine the N and E/W behaviours (or possibly just use the N one, can't recall).
SE/SW uses the S behaviour.

Suggestion: Waypoint X any Y be disallowed from moving off-map, and the cursor to go no further than the closest edge. This will assist when cannon-dodging the Omnis while near an edge.

Balance-flaw (current): Omnis off the N edge are invincible, as no collisions occur, allowing MK7s to be dodged without any angular change. It also allows movement past traps/dangers on the N and (to a letter extent) S edges, by not being on the map.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.