Custom Map #4085: Warning!!. By:

Started by AutoPost, November 29, 2016, 01:50:49 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4085: Warning!!

Size: 128x128

Enjoy please. This is the first in my storyline. Barriers, another world i made, does not go to a storyline, but still. Enjoy


It offends ever sensibility I have when I see maps where people just indiscriminately spammed units on a map. I'd like to coin a descriptor, and it would start with "cr", and rhyme with map, but I don't think we should be that crass.

Johnny Haywire

We live in a world in which it's considered an insult to tell someone they failed their math test because they only got 15% of their answers correct. I'm of the opinion that when something is wrong, someone ought to say, "Hey! This is wrong! The Emperor isn't wearing any clothes!!"

I'll try not to say anything negative about this map because I like it almost as much as pulling splinters out of my fingernails and sticking them in my eyes.

If this map were an app, it would be a "Piece of Cray" app.
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?