Custom Map #4080: Pathway. By: Sirderpsalot0357

Started by AutoPost, November 23, 2016, 04:04:06 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4080: Pathway

Author: Sirderpsalot0357
Size: 27x256

A map which is a pathway.


More like a rocky road than a pathway.. :(

Deliberate time-wasting options in a map doesn't make for enjoyment. Suspect you're not going to get a lot of score submissions.


That was my first thought too.

But you don't really need any of the high-priced items (though some AC makes it better). All you really need is the forge...


Your time is still > 1 hour game time. still doesn't make for a fun interlude, especially with nerfed move speed etc.


I somewhat enjoyed this map. The extremely high prices of some units caused me to second guess my strategy and try different approaches. It was fun to
nullify one of the two spore towers at the beginning which made it lot easier to play

The prices of Thor and Berthas were ridiculous, though, and they should have simply been left out of the game. I finished the game before either could finish building. Fully upgraded forge build speed would still mean almost 4 hours to build that Thor.