Custom Map #3933: TheTower. By: Oblivion

Started by AutoPost, September 10, 2016, 11:26:22 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3933: TheTower

Author: Oblivion
Size: 190x190

Doesn't really look like a tower tbh.


I not sure how we were supposed to approach this map. I
used the AoO and four guppies to take out the central four emitters within a couple of minutes, and nearly got my base wiped out when the force field pulled creeper over my base.
It was then a long clean-up exercise. I tried bombing the tower, but the forcefield soon creates critical densities of AC, converts some to creeper, relaxes the field, creeper is destroyed, and AC density increases again. The cyclical on/off of the field is difficult to work with, so I kept my bombers away from the central tower


Well, the start is calm, so just using the mountain to keep it clear makes it calm.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


Weird mechanics. Before clearing out middle emitters, I was able to bertha + bomber the mid, but couldnt figure out what it does. After taking out first 2 middle emitters, I was able to somehow control what happened there. And soon realized, it was a lot of death. I guess the best way is to just kill the creeper and dont pour AC on mid.


I intended the FF as a way to draw in creeper, and you could mass concentrate forces in the center while relaying out around the map and cleaning up after taking over the center. Guess it did more work than the spores it emitted while touching creeper. Also, the FF can be kept "stable" by surrounding it with shields on the north, south, east, and west, then bombing the center once with AC.
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help please, i cant take out the center tower. ty. it wont nulify
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You can't take it out, but its not necessary to do so to win.
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I just tried this again with RrRs method of 4 guppies.

I built the guppies immediately and got to the centre as fast as possible. I landed the AOOs and something quite strange happened. All of the creeper was pulled to the centre like in a singularity but it all turned to AC, it never went above 750 depth and so remained as creeper, no flip effects.

Made the map a lot easier. I seem to get different results each time, may be down to how quick you get to the centre.


I guess it could be, if you took over the center when there was around just enough creeper to flip over into anti-creeper. Also, I disabled the forge singularity for this map, the FF sorta compensated as a massive one.
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