Custom Map #1592: Nuhage N#54. By: Nuhages

Started by AutoPost, January 11, 2015, 08:46:52 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1592: Nuhage N#54

Author: Nuhages
Size: 140x140

Play as Creeper Map N#1 Have Fun. Feel Free To Rate and comment on Forum. Credits For PaC coding goes to stewbasic, stdout , teknotiss and Hubs. All you need for Pac map is on Forum. #PAC NOTE: First PaC map I build. It is a "learning how the stuff work" map...


That was brutal for your first map :) When you see what you have to do, its a case of working towards it and its tough all the way. Lots of pushing creep which I like and a nice sneaky strategy.
Good job :)
A child of 5 could beat this map ... Go fetch a child of 5 !


stuck at 2 thirds - may I ask for a spoiler?


I got stuck there too, but figured out a way past it:

How I managed to finish was to build just a few spore towers along the lower right hand side of the map, and then target them into the void on the right just out of range of the beam that is sitting on the PZ.  Let the creeper build up, then spam it with digitalis and link it to the middle island.  Let it get engergized, then break the link to the island (select digitalis and hit the "T" key to toggle place/remove digi).  Use a field to push towards the top, since once the digitalis is no longer live, it will start to overflow into the void again.  Rinse and repeat until you make landfall.  Then push your way up the sliver of a path on the right.

Fun map, and glad to see yet another PAC author.


Quote from: EEderle on January 11, 2015, 05:23:30 PM
stuck at 2 thirds - may I ask for a spoiler?
2/3 is the time to go full spore tower and atack void or full emmiter and push on  mid PZ canon once that center canon down it a win.

I've played my map again... must say it's unbalanced. Beginer mistakes...
will do better next time.
I made a dream ... was map making on CW4


Crazy hard, but still fun. One of those where I feel accomplished just completing it. Thanks!


Quote from: Nuhages on January 11, 2015, 11:07:45 PM
Quote from: EEderle on January 11, 2015, 05:23:30 PM
stuck at 2 thirds - may I ask for a spoiler?
2/3 is the time to go full spore tower and atack void or full emmiter and push on  mid PZ canon once that center canon down it a win.

I've played my map again... must say it's unbalanced. Beginer mistakes...
will do better next time.

I liked the imbalance of the map; it was like the imbalance of a brick in a washing machine.

It takes a minute, but it starts wiggling just right, and then stuff goes EVERYWHERE.  Spectacularly.


This map has bipolar disorder.  :P
The bottom 2/3 is super easy. But the top 1/3 is almost as hard as scaling Mt. Everest in a pair in sandals.

The key is indeed the middle PZ cannon. Once that's out, the emitter I place there was untouchable. I tried different techniques but ended up settling for all emitters. The force field push I've been practicing on other PAC maps really came in handy on this.
Twas a sad day when we mothballed Creeper World for Particle Fleet.


Quote from: thumbmaster on January 12, 2015, 03:47:47 PMBut the top 1/3 is almost as hard as scaling Mt. Everest in a pair in sandals.

That perfectly captures my sentiments! This was the first PAC map where I just quit without finishing. Sorry Nuhages, I  love and appreciate most of your maps but this clash of forces was too slow paced for me.


Wow, that was a tough fight! I get why a lot of players rage quit over this one. Gotta say it feels pretty good finishing that one. I think you have some balancing to work out, but it was a good stab at a first map. Keep working on new maps!


Last 1/3 of the map is only hard when you don't know that corner bases are asymmetrical. You can push your creeper from the right side of the center base without triggering the PZ mortar from the right base.
No spore spam needed.

Loren Pechtel

As usual for a Nugage map, I'm stumped.  I conquered the bottom part but I can't crack the center area.


I know I'm necroing this thread, but I've been going back and making sure I at least match or better the times on all of the PAC maps I've completed and wanted to say the ~time on this map is 1:41:49 and my time was 1:41:49.0, so that makes me exactly average, which I'll take for a Nuhages map.  :)