Custom Map #3926: Flood. By: Pusillanimous

Started by AutoPost, September 05, 2016, 08:31:38 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3926: Flood

Author: Pusillanimous
Size: 128x84

All is not as it seems on a largely flat world. #CRPL, specifically a lone, short script, built from an idea on an old forum post. Whoever would think that Berthas could be used defensively?


This is a proof of concept, but could possibly be applied effectively in PaC.

The script changes Creeper colours a short time in advance of the main event as warning. It then flips the terrain heights and makes Void equal to the "lowered" height-10 terrain. Colours revert to the previous setting when the terrain goes back to normal. This occurs periodically.

I attach the script, what opinions are there?

(I don't remember the post in sufficient detail to search the archives for it. Does anyone recall where the credit is due?)
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


/\lways (oca(ola