Custom Map #3931: Anomalies. By: Flash1255

Started by AutoPost, September 08, 2016, 11:52:06 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3931: Anomalies

Author: Flash1255
Size: 105x105

TBYD (Think Before You Download) #2 Anomalies you say? Yeah, and this map is basically Choix (checked the name), in terms of random destruction. I also made it so you have to risk losing your buildings to get resources. FUN! It's possible to crawl along the side of the map, though. #NoSpores #noDigi #CRPL Flash's Official Touhou Difficulty Rating: +++ (Hard)


The script for this was REALLY simple, not RandCoords simple, otherwise this map would be virtually impossible and frustrating on every possible level. I used a semi-controlled random coordinate generator (all you have to do is put in a minimum and a maximum value for both X and Y, so it uses 4 variables) to do this. Here's the script:

# Anomaly Field.crpl
# Created on: 9/7/2016 8:00:45 PM
# ------------------------------------------

# This set of variables is used to determine the dimensions of the field where the anomalies occur.

# These next four are obvious.

# Now for the script.
# I may consider adding a feature so that there's a "safe" level on which anomalies won't occur.
# For something that looks and sounds complex, it's actually really simple.

<-InitialDelay Delay

<-AnomalyCount 0 do
<-GeneratedX <-GeneratedY <-CreeperAmount AddCreeper
<-Delay Delay

<-MinX <-MaxX RandInt ->GeneratedX
<-MinY <-MaxY RandInt ->GeneratedY
Considering how many turns my life has taken (good and bad), I'm still fairly neutral to it all. I take the hits, I don't react overly.


If you had borrowed from Choix and limited the area, we would still be able to use Shields. Also, when I finish, I usually destroy all remaining Creeper. This was unexpectedly impossible.

I suggest sung GetDeepestCreeperCell, and swapping with a point inside your target range. This will be self-limiting, and will mean that it becomes easier as powerful Emitters are destroyed.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.