Please take your time with the game, ...

Started by hbarudi, May 31, 2016, 11:43:38 PM

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Please take your time with the game,
When beta testing time comes, I would like to beta test this game.


So you want the game to come out as polished as possible for everyone, but yourself, you wanna get your hands on it ASAP? :D
There's a hype train going here and I'd guess half of the forum would want to get beta ;)


Quote from: jaworeq on June 01, 2016, 01:17:36 AM
So you want the game to come out as polished as possible for everyone, but yourself, you wanna get your hands on it ASAP? :D
There's a hype train going here and I'd guess half of the forum would want to get beta ;)

No, that's wrong. Everyone on the forum but this guy wants to get the beta xD.
As fun as beta testing would be, I'd really rather just wait for the final version for the maximum quality :D
I tried making CW3 custom maps once upon a time. I kinda failed. My maps were too large/stupidly long/stupidly easy. I think I only ever made one really good map, and its not for people who hate spores. I mean it'd be good shock therapy xD


However, if you do beta testing, you can try to get somethings changed from what they were originally, so that the game is more fun/challenging/other.


I don't mean ASAP, it would be nice to beta test even if it takes time for that point of development to come and this applies to the final release.