Custom Map #3127: Another Dimension Part 2. By: Ryguy9999

Started by AutoPost, February 02, 2016, 09:16:04 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3127: Another Dimension Part 2

Author: Ryguy9999
Size: 128x84

The second part to the series! Abraxis's adventure continues with the custom Energy Sink script. They are now more concentrated, but less powerful than in the first map. The map's difficulty and play-style was far different from what I expected, so I hope to be putting out more maps using the Energy Sink! Speaking of which, please use these in maps of your own. I'd like to see other maps made more difficult than mine. (I'm personally not great at the game) #crpl #energysink

Loren Pechtel

This can be beat without feeding any of the energy sinks.

Build the Thors and a PZ Bertha.  This will provide enough firepower to control the creep on the second island.  Guppy-supported terps can flatten it close enough to the emitter that it can be nullified.  Flatten the whole island, a PZ relay can reach back to the first base.  A PZ-terp can reach up into the final island and flatten much of it while the Thors suppress the creeper.  Kill the spore and use it's PZ to kill the inhibitor.