Custom Map #3128: Q 10.67 GBnn 29.2. By: Pastor.Healer

Started by AutoPost, February 02, 2016, 10:36:48 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3128: Q 10.67 GBnn 29.2

Author: Pastor.Healer
Size: 197x97



And just how do you get started? Most people must have the same issue with 19 downloads and only (at time of post) 2 completes.
Currently ghosting, don't mind me.
Christian, my list of various content creation groups can be found here


Gianttuf... goodness. That is perseverance.  Thanks for getting it done regardless.  :)

D0m0nik... I am going to have to make these harder for you. ;)


good map design different colors and the need to terp it all, but unplayable


Quote from: hbarudi on February 06, 2016, 12:24:21 AM
good map design different colors and the need to terp it all, but unplayable

This is an excellent map but only for experienced players. You have everything you need, you just have to work out how to use it. Note that on the far right are two large packets of aether and energy.

PH - if you want to make them really difficult take away the berthas! (but please don't actually do this!)


D0m0nik... I have thought about doing just that for you and you alone... :)

Thanks for the comments people.  They drive me forward to new stuff. 
