Custom Map #3007: Corner Control. By: sporefreak

Started by AutoPost, January 08, 2016, 07:15:13 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3007: Corner Control

Author: sporefreak
Size: 128x84

Super units have taken all 4 corners, as one of said units you must spread and take out the other 3 before they grow to powerful. Hint: (Dont destroy the big guys early)


Well whaddaya know?  I did have the stamina to wait for the wall to melt.

Nice map.  Limited relays/collectors is always annoying but leads to creativity.


hi, i cant  seem to keep up with the big spoor tower with limited energy and beams. please give spoiler, ty
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For energy, I put reactors in power zones and for spores - beams in PZ with support of turrets to clean up whatever came through.
Fully charged beam in PZ can handle over half of those spores, and if something went through, turret cleaned up pretty well, just had to rebuild 1-2 buildings sometimes.


Very good map  :) :) Thank you.

Nice challenge to get things moving. 

Johnny Haywire

Definitely a top-notch map! Nice steady challenge and I love the way you force people to be creative with their attack. Didn't particularly enjoy having to choose between ore mines or power zones but otherwise it'd be too simple. Excellent work, and thanks for the map!
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