Custom Map #3003: V71 690 Nmm2. By: Pastor.Healer

Started by AutoPost, January 07, 2016, 05:27:25 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3003: V71 690 Nmm2

Author: Pastor.Healer
Size: 191x97

A little something for those of you in Starmap 495.2


Oh lordy, custom textures PH, your spoiling us! Away from the laptop but can't wait to play this  :D


Finally got round to it, classic PH, 10 lines of runners invading the base, nightmare!
Lots of fun  ;D


huh, how to keep those spores back? those reactors atract tham
Hi, I am a Bible believing christian.
I am a Youngevity distributor.


I gave up. Start of map is very RNG - those reactors around are there to save you - so initial spores dont attack your base.

But I had full line of runners in the middle digitalis and whatever approach I'd tried, I was either screwed up by some misfire on runner (pumping crazy amounts of creeper) or just runners disabling my beams.


Land your CNs on PZs and they will connect to the reactors and instantly build a beam or two on other PZs, plenty of time!


D0m0nik you have become a Master player over a short period of time.  Well done! 

Jaworeq, this is not a map for the new players.  Not to discourage you from trying, you have to know all the
rules for each piece.  Otherwise it can be a hard go... keep trying.  That's what I did to figure out how to break
the bank.  :)


waaaaait...CN on PZ gives bonus? o.o

I'm not that a newbie though :P I stood my ground for like 10 minutes :P


Quote from: jaworeq on January 09, 2016, 07:44:48 PM
waaaaait...CN on PZ gives bonus? o.o

I'm not that a newbie though :P I stood my ground for like 10 minutes :P

That's a pretty good stand with a PH map! :)
Omnipotence doesn't mean the ability to do what is logically impossible. It's possible, therefore, for God to create beings with the kind of free will that can choose between good and evil, but he can't also force those creatures to choose good. If he forced their choice, it wouldn't be free.


Cheers PH.

I don't think there is any need to hide tips in spoilers for this map, even with spoilers it is indeed a hard map.

As PH says everything has to be built as fast as the game allows using the PZs to their full potential.

For me this worked:

* Land one CN on a PZ at the top and one at the bottom. They should be placed to allow you still to use two or three PZs and they should each connect to one reactor.
* Land one CN in the middle.
* Next build one or two collectors in the middle to ensure your CNs are all connected. Build a collector on a PZ to connect a third reactor. Build two beams on PZs. All this should be done before you even unpause the game.
* Then as soon as possible start building a terp, a forge and some cannons.
* Once your first reactor is built move a CN and start building more reactors on PZs.
* Use cannons to stop digitalis getting to your base, terp areas to give them a better range and to stop runners getting to your base.
Pausing is a must, if a bug explodes, reload, save once every 30 seconds!

I have attached an image at the 1:46 mark for the newer players. Basically if you keep your CNs always in positive power (in the green) you can build quicker however you have to build energy collectors and reactors first.