Custom Map #3006: Nightmare Alien Hunter. By: MKMM

Started by AutoPost, January 08, 2016, 03:16:37 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3006: Nightmare Alien Hunter

Author: MKMM
Size: 41x130

Nice Details of Aliens and Spaceships. Hunt down the Queen! - Tactical Energy Management!


Really cool map. I enjoyed it a lot.
Killing the middle top emmiter was a bit hard, but finally got it :D


Fun map!  Just enough scarcity to keep me paying attention to every unit, but not brutally hard. 

The top emitter was tight.  My nullifier was moments away from death when it finally fired.

My advice...
Dash north and take out the spore tower right out of the gate.  One less thing to worry about sapping your energy as you clean up the bottom and secure your energy footprint.

Loren Pechtel

The hardest part for me was firing positions rather than power.

Johnny Haywire

While this isn't my favorite kind of map as far as the "fun" factor goes, I think this is an absolutely fantastic map. It's like multiple puzzles that can be solved more than one way (I'm pretty sure). I'm not a big fan of the pause/build/unpause/build/play slowly/save/etc.  yet I loved this map so much I paused like a madman. Excellent design and planning!
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