Custom Map #2984: Boss Fight 1. By: GameGibu

Started by AutoPost, January 02, 2016, 12:27:02 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2984: Boss Fight 1

Author: GameGibu
Size: 128x128

Here is my latest map, with a complete custom scripted boss enemy. If you thought Farbor was hard, this'll probably be your worst nightmare. Enjoy! -GameGibu #CRPL #digitalis #norunners #boss #spores #custom #GameGibu


Seriously what's with the downvoting?  :'(

I try my best, okay? Sheesh! >:(

Think before you vote.
Bringing you Custom maps since 2971!
☆CRPL Master☆


Quote from: GameGibu on January 02, 2016, 06:17:11 AM
Seriously what's with the downvoting?  :'(

it's not very interesting add that with the "surprise" and people get frustrated.



If you want to look at my script, go ahead. I spent about an hour this morning on the CRPL reference pages to spend five minutes writing a consolidated FillSetTerrain, FillSetCreeper and FillAddCreeper functions. In any case I think this is just useful code so I'll post it here too.

#Arguments: x y DimensionX DimensionY Value
#Does not push anything to the stack, and consumes all arguments
#Example: @FillSetTerrain(10 10 3 4 1) #sets the terrain at x=10, y=10 to a rectangle of dimensions x=3 y=4 and a terrain height of 1
#WARNING: Large area modification may result in significant loss of performance!!!
while <-ILOOP lt(<-xDIM) repeat
while <-JLOOP lt(<-yDIM) repeat
SetTerrain(<-x1 <-ILOOP add <-y1 <-JLOOP add <-height)
<-JLOOP 1 add ->JLOOP
<-ILOOP 1 add ->ILOOP

while <-ILOOP lt(<-xDIM) repeat
while <-JLOOP lt(<-yDIM) repeat
AddCreeper(<-x1 <-ILOOP add <-y1 <-JLOOP add <-Amt)
<-JLOOP 1 add ->JLOOP
<-ILOOP 1 add ->ILOOP

while <-ILOOP lt(<-xDIM) repeat
while <-JLOOP lt(<-yDIM) repeat
SetCreeper(<-x1 <-ILOOP add <-y1 <-JLOOP add <-Amt)
<-JLOOP 1 add ->JLOOP
<-ILOOP 1 add ->ILOOP

And thanks for taking the time to give constructive criticism, I really appreciate it! ;D

Bringing you Custom maps since 2971!
☆CRPL Master☆

Johnny Haywire

I didn't have any problems with it. Had a couple times where it did a kind of jerky lag but it wasn't too noticeable. And I certainly can't imagine how this is a "below average" maps. Unless I'm misunderstanding the concept of numerical ratings. This has got to be as challenging and interesting as at least 50% of the maps out there.

Having said that, I realize my approach to the game might be different than average. I almost never save the game nor pause it. (Just to kinda give it a more realistic feel - you can't exactly ask your enemy, "Hey, hold on a sec while I think. Can you guys just do nothing for a bit while I decide how to destroy you? Thanks!" This forces me into a more calculated, deliberate (think "safe") approach. If you see "CRPL" and there's a single weird emitter in the middle, assume something's up. If you don't want to save the game before you attack then build beams, snipers, mortars, etc. all around the edges and then wait till you deem it safe before making an attack.

Yeah, it's not the most interesting map nor is it really difficult. But it's better than a lot of other maps out there - not like that's the greatest compliment though. I see there's a newer version of this that's more highly rated. I'll check that one out next.

Keep up the good work, m8! You seem to be a very fast learner and I appreciate you taking criticism so well... A wise man will listen and grow in understanding. And it proves you're not a fool  ;D
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?


Thanks, you're all such nice people! ;D ;D ;D
I have a sudden sense of belonging that I've only felt in a different way before.

And yes, I just used Comic Sans.  :P

"How rude nice!"
-C3PO  8)

Bringing you Custom maps since 2971!
☆CRPL Master☆


I saw the surprise, that was cool, but the level ended with my berthas simply blowing up the middle, didn't have to land there at all.

So, with all the power you just power up and create a few berthas and wait.  Super simple - I suspect you didn't intend this.