Custom Map #2995: Crack The Sky. By: Typon

Started by AutoPost, January 03, 2016, 06:30:34 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2995: Crack The Sky

Author: Typon
Size: 190x230

The remaining land of an ancient city. The only leftovers are a message, the main reactor of the town and an artifact.


Ugly map to look at but the game play was nice. 

Costs were bizarre.  It looks like you chose a random # for many things.  75 for beams nearly caught me unprepared.  150 for nullifiers meant long waits to advance.


The author either took the time to change those values for a reason or this was at one point a DMD map with weird unit cost settings...
Haven't played so I don't know for sure.  I'm more of a mapmaker myself than a player of maps, and that's why my maps turn out so easy...  :-\
but that's beside the point, which I've forgotten now. Oh yeah, yes it may be true that the nullifiers take a long time to build, but there may or may not be a reason.

"Find something to like rather than something to complain about, and people will like you better." -some book I've been reading, sort of.


give yourself a wedgie planetside, ouch
give yourself a wedgie in near-zero-gravity, and you've got a problem
I have that problem.  :o
Bringing you Custom maps since 2971!
☆CRPL Master☆


Sorry, GG's right.  I liked the map.  I rated 9/10.  I didn't intend such a negative tone.



Thank you for your comments in any case.
I tried the editor for the first time and published the map right away.
It took me some time though since I wanted to have a map a little original in its appearence, possibilites and constraints.

I was myself a little uncertain about the look of the map but I decided not to overthink about it. I guess some may like and other may not.
The main threat of the map should be the spores, this is the reason why beam were more expansive.
I note the nullifier building time, I don't clear maps as fast as some players so that's probably why it didn't bother me, I just wanted to make sure that the nullifier was in a non temporary controlled area.

Anyway I made the changes both for gameplay and testing the possibilities of the editor. I still have to look at the script editor and the possible custimization of assets when I'll have the time to.

If people enjoy playing the map that's what matters the most in my point of view.
So I'm glad you liked playing it even if you didn't like the look.


Loren Pechtel

With the limited power I don't understand the fast times.