Custom Map #2933: PAC map. By: Dave

Started by AutoPost, December 23, 2015, 04:43:09 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2933: PAC map

Author: Dave
Size: 160x80

This is my first Play as creeper map. Sorry if it is not as good as expected. #PAC #PlayAsCreeper


OK map.

The number of PZ and totems made field push a very effective strategy combined with energy starvation.

- the start was a tiny bit tricky. I liked it. After that there was not much resistance.
- the beams made spore towers ineffective. That's OK.
- a few mortars could have made it a bit more challenging.
- the map was easy to cut in half. I suggest that be made a bit harder, and then increase the power generation imbalance between the two sides greater. That would make the cut-in-half satisfying.
- even with the great number of shields there wasn't much protection. I suggest putting multiple shields near critical areas.
- multiple paths to victory, which is good.

Overall: not too bad. I'm looking forward to your next map.
Your puny map is no match for my Turtle Power!

Johnny Haywire

Yeah, I liked this map too. Great job for this only being your first map!

I agree that mortars would help it to be more difficult. You can add some AC too, if you want it to be even more difficult. And of course, changing terrain to make it literally an uphill battle would also help.

Having said that, I didn't think this map was so easy that it wasn't enjoyable. This is a great map for people who are just starting out in the Play-as-Creeper arena.

Thanks for your work in making the map! I look forward to your next map(s)  :D
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?


/\lways (oca(ola


It is not hard but it is very well balanced across the map, really nice map that everyone can enjoy  :D
