Custom Map #2451: battle.map2. By: Nilar

Started by AutoPost, August 31, 2015, 02:52:08 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2451: battle.map2

Author: Nilar
Size: 96x201



i cant figure out how to get a stable base? i keep getting flooded
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Johnny Haywire

Quotei cant figure out how to get a stable base? i keep getting flooded

As always, land in the most secure place. If you're not sure where that is, don't land anything and just watch. The place that is overrun last is usually your best bet. Next, land all 3 CN's (that's my preference, if possible). You want as much energy production as possible to build MORE energy production. Staying alive is all about energy production. If you can't produce energy, you'll die. So you need energy. Build one blaster a couple collectors, grab the energy resource pack, then a reactor or two. Once you have energy you can build some weapons. Building energy first allows you to build more weapons later. But build fast. You need to focus on building energy.

Build collectors and reactors as soon as you can. Only build enough weapons to protect your energy production  ;D

One CN will probably get overrun and have to return to orbit. That's ok. Keep a close eye and land it again ASAP. The 3rd CN helps with energy production, which is crucial early-game. Here's a picture to (hopefully) help!

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Johnny Haywire

As for the map itself - I think the map for the most part is excellent. The MAIN thing I would change is to not have an inhibitor so vulnerable to an early attack (maybe a large air exclusion tower nearby). I spent most of the time just cleaning up the piles of creeper to get to the various items needed to complete the game, which kinda kills the idea of it being a battle.

I thought the start was great though, and I'm a big fan of AC stuff! Thanks for the map!
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