Custom Map #2942: PZ shield PAC. By: builder17

Started by AutoPost, December 25, 2015, 11:12:20 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2942: PZ shield PAC

Author: builder17
Size: 90x30

#PAC #Runners


Interesting puzzle map, took a few goes to figure it out. Really cool to see a PAC puzzle, it's quite unique!

Johnny Haywire

At first I didn't realize this was a puzzle map. I realized digi wasn't going to reach the CN the normal way, so I figured I'd try a "tidal wave" approach. This was really slow progress, so I decided to try what I'm guessing everyone else figured out, and that was a simple ~5 minute solution. But that annoyed me, because technically, it shouldn't have worked...

Ok, so once you hit one shield with enough spores, it should go through that shield but be stopped by the second shield, right? For some reason it doesn't work exactly like that. The spore goes through the second shield - although barely - but it's enough to take out stuff that gets destroyed with one hit.

So... this kinda bugged me so I decided to see if my "Tidal wave" solution would work. For anyone who hasn't done this technique, it's when you remove the digitalis in the middle so that it's no longer active. This makes the creeper pile up in greater amounts rather than being delivered to the front lines so quickly.


The first time I tried it, I was able to join the digi from the left to the right side. Once you can do that, you can change the spore tower to an emitter, then let creeper pile up on the right side. Slowly, by cycling digitalis from passive to active, and then back to passive you'll be able to surround the cannons so they become less effective. Then you can make a charge at one of the reactors and reach it with digi then make an emitter there. Switch it to burst mode, and the CN dies.

Oh btw, this trial-and-error of doing various tidal waves took 18 hours of game time, accelerated to about 20x speed (the only "cheat" I really ever use, just to make the game go faster for those of us who are easily distr... Hey LOOK! SQUIRREL!!!) Um, anyway yeah. So I felt better about winning that way, for what it's worth.
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