Custom Map #2831: Digitalis Mountain. By: builder17

Started by AutoPost, November 26, 2015, 01:17:35 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2831: Digitalis Mountain

Author: builder17
Size: 256x256

#Flip emiters #Well defended inhibitor


There are a few maps recently with easy to collect AOOs. They make any Big Inhibitor easy to take out, would be better if they were a lot further across to the right of the map to increase the challenge.

Johnny Haywire

Aye, Dom... AOO's make things much easier. And when they're on the map, it's impossible to resist using them. In this case, I was (pleasantly) surprised when killing the inhibitor didn't make the whole map go "poof".  Can't remember ever seeing that before. This is a good, fun map to play around with.
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?

Loren Pechtel

So many bugs I didn't know there was an inhibitor!  I used a PZ to hit whatever I could under the bugs and the map ended.