Custom Map #2827: Fuel is Over!. By: Cree

Started by AutoPost, November 25, 2015, 10:55:43 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2827: Fuel is Over!

Author: Cree
Size: 150x150

That is "My" Hardest Mission.


I thought this was easier than the last one but a very good map. Only one issue for me, I had enough AOOs to end the mission before I got anywhere near to the Thor or the big emitter. Still very good fun  :D

Loren Pechtel

Annoying--I went across the top and then down the left side.  There's a PZ in range of the inhibitor, it was an easy kill.  After I blew the inhibitor I still had to go collect the guppy, bomber and Thor.  You don't need Thor to kill a super-emitter like that anyway, a line of fully-upgraded cannons can clear space for a nullifier.


Enjoyable fight! I'm actually going to want to replay this one.


I had to laugh when I finally got down near the lower left side and found the giant Aether pack - but better late than never.
Concur on the compliments.
Fun quick fight.