Custom Map #2824: Can you win digitalis. By: builder17

Started by AutoPost, November 24, 2015, 12:18:15 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2824: Can you win digitalis

Author: builder17
Size: 256x256

#Slip emitter #Sporeswithoutbreaks

Johnny Haywire

Dunno why Baba gave ya a "4" for this map (was the only score besides yours when I tried it). A lot of people will like not having to build lots of stuff - it's a very easy start for newer players. Plus, the constant spore thing seems kinda cool.

I tend to dislike inhibitors because I like to slowly chew away at a map, but an inhibitor just screams, "Hey! Attack me and everything dies!" But maybe that's just me... some people seem to like inhibitor maps so to each his own, right?

Overall, this is definitely better than an average map if for no other reason that there are elements that aren't in the average map. On a difficulty level, I'd rate this maybe 2 or 3 out of 10. But as far as the map itself I'd say 7/10. I'd bump it up one more without the inhibitor but that's just an opinion. And I do very few 10/10's btw. To me, that means there's virtually no way to improve it. So GJ on the map, m8! Was a quick, fun one!
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Quote from: Johnny Haywire on November 24, 2015, 01:35:48 PM
Dunno why Baba gave ya a "4" for this map (was the only score besides yours when I tried it).

Just as an FYI, anyone who downloads and starts a map can rate it - without posting a score.
A lot of what some call 'rage quits' end up with low ratings, unfortunately.
The comments in the map thread are what really count - not the rating.
Taking the time to offer solid comments (constructive) is really important and it was good to see that you did that.
Time for me to shut up and go play the game.

Johnny Haywire

Ah thanks for the help, Helper. Didn't know ya could rate something w/o finishing - I'll keep that in mind.  :)
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