Custom Map #2148: Car. By: xMehmetx

Started by AutoPost, June 13, 2015, 05:59:25 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2148: Car

Author: xMehmetx
Size: 128x84



Hmm.... This map just got reported as "unwinnable", so I had a look. Many did indeed finish it, so there much be a way out of the catch-22?

Johnny Haywire

Yeah. Not sure if the mapmaker knew what he was doing, but if he did he's pretty sadistic.

If you don't want a spoiler, just start trying stuff and see what happens. Click here and there and use your imagination.

If you want a spoiler...

Stuff is stacked on top of each other like crazy. Click on the upper left stack (where the guppy is) and destroy the reactor, then destroy whatever else pops up until you get to "relay" or "collector". Once you destroy the relay or collector you can build one & start grabbing tech. The collector tech is stacked with the totem, btw. You might want to unstack the Thors and click "stop resupply" too.

Oh, and once you DO get the collectors under the totem, the game locks up. So do that last.
If that does happen, don't panic. Save the game & load that slot and it should work fine. (Did for me at least).
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awww, you guys got me so excited for a hard map, and bam, I completed it to easily, hehe

Johnny Haywire

Um yeah... it's definitely not "hard" in the sense of utilizing some elite strategic skill set. It's just hard in the "wow that was really weird" way. Once you figure out where stuff is, it's no problem. So it's kinda just a game of hide and seek I guess. Sorry to get your hopes up.  :P
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