Custom Map #2777: Ups and downs. By: Jerdog

Started by AutoPost, November 08, 2015, 11:03:42 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2777: Ups and downs

Author: Jerdog
Size: 105x105

More saddle points. Use those resources wisely. One wrong move and you're in trouble. #Vanilla #no spores #took me a few tries


I don't know how hard people will find this one.  I seem to keep making maps that, in the creator, are too hard for me.  Then I dial them back incrementally until I can beat them to upload.


This is a rather hard map and will be too much for some. When I saw that the only times apart from yours were 1.34hrs and 14hrs I figured it would be tricky! Your own time is going to take some beating!

I loved the map and rated it 10/10, I often forget to rate but this was a great challenge. I tried in vain for my first few attempts to hold 3, then 2 high grounds at the same time but even trying to hold two was a bit too much, I may try again as I am sure it is quite possible now I understand the flow of creep! Holding just one high ground was a nice level of challenge and required constant focus and even with the packets required careful energy and defence balance.

Without giving away too much:
The four high grounds are not the same size, the South is actually slightly larger allowing you to land a CN and use the PZ, huge advantage early on with a mortar or reactor on it

Really well executed map, I have only played one of your previous maps, I have a day off to day so may have to go back and play them all!


Great map.  Really makes you fight back from a losing position.


this one was great.
i didn't notice the spoiler above but had to retry a half dozen times or more.  worth it.


Ditto everything D0m0nik said.
In one of my many attempts, I actually had all four high grounds + plus some spare energy...then I laid down four (4!) Nullifiers all at once - before saving. :(
Ended up taking them one at a time and had a blast!


Thanks for the kind replies.  You never know how well a level will turn out until you post it. 

I did not notice any of what D0m0nik shared.  I just learned as other did, to take them one at a time, using the goodies each time to help you get the next one.


And as for having the best time.  Remember I played this a lot to get it right, so by the time I figured out how to beat it I know just what to do.


Usual round of applause to Alter Old, obviously found a way to hold all the high ground! Incredible!

Loren Pechtel

I'm surprised at some of the posts here.  I don't see the need for all the high grounds.

I started in the center and built a bunch of cannons and took them north.  As the big emitters hadn't reached the high ground they only had to clear the little bit of creeper from the weak emitter on top--they were able to do so, I connected them up and had a plateau.  I put a mortar on the PZ--by itself it pretty much kept the two north emitters in check.  Of course by this time the rest of the plateaus were swamped.  I pushed lines of mortars down the sides of the north plateau and then replaced the mortar with a bertha--I probably could have forced on to kill the emitters at this point but I was more worried about the south.  Carefully placed shots were enough to clear the spill onto the south plateau and then the same cannon invasion worked after a few tries.  Again a mortar then pushing out the lines of mortars.  At this point all the big emitters were contained but the east and west plateaus were untouched--and in fact ended up being the last things I killed.