Custom Map #939: Closed Terrain 1. By: Dimava

Started by AutoPost, July 25, 2014, 10:06:42 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #939: Closed Terrain 1

Author: Dimava
Size: 60x60

Often you do not have time. Sometimes you do not have enough space or resources. In this case, you have enough of everything (map is actually easy), although the place is closed. To access terrain you need energy, more and more each time you unlock a little space. #CRPL P.S. If somebody ask me, I'll share a script on the forum. Anyway, you may write a better one yourself.


I've played part-way through this map and I'm typing this while I'm considering if I will finish it or not. :)

The concept is novel and unique - and it makes me think much differently about using terrain. That's all good.

What I find less "fun" is my usual complaint about lack of upgrades. In this map a few upgrades, while costly in terms of terrain for the forge, etc, would have been real handy. I can see that incorporating Totems might be a tricky design issue.

I'm also disturbed by the voracious rate at which the "terp" absorbs energy. Given that I have limited energy storage (no upgrade!), I fall into a deficit every time I clear a terrain tile. That's not so much fun.

Finally, clearing a tile to build a reactor, with a payback of 200 seconds is a trifle excessive. But that's just me. 

Overall I'll still rate this as an excellent map - if only for the concept  and I hope something similar gets used in a few different ways.


What Karsten said +1.

10 / 10 for the concept.


well this is how i did it, there must be a faster way or easier if u say