Custom Map #2497: battle.map4. By: Nilar

Started by AutoPost, September 13, 2015, 09:25:00 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2497: battle.map4

Author: Nilar
Size: 201x201



I managed to get 1 and 3/4 turns round before I ground to a halt after about an hour and a half when I realised there is an easier way to beat this map than grinding away. It is probably possible to win in 10 - 15 minutes by going straight for the inhibitor.


I got as far as the seventh totem, or two turns. 
This would be a fun map if:

Emitters were the same.  And the PZ would be useable,
The center was bigger.
Fewer turns.

None the less, an excellent design.
I respect those who quote me the least.


There is a shortcut...
grab that energy ressource, build one guppy and go for one of these converts. You can still get them while loosing health which is pretty neat.
Got that convert? Fill up your guppy, fly to the inhibitor and right before you land you should fire the convert. That gives you enough time to build and destroy the inhibitor.



Quote from: Teilzeitphilosoph on September 14, 2015, 07:51:25 AM
There is a shortcut...


Yes this is the fast & easy way to beat this map - explaining the sub-three minute times amongst the three hour times.

But it is conventional to put major tips and hints in a spoiler tag - the yellow & black icon on the menu.


I don't know I could beat it any way other than the shortcut. :)

And I kept thinking the map would be more fun if the Power Zones were actually usable.


It is possible to beat this map without using the shortcut. It just takes some time, and close attention to energy levels.


Build as many berthas as you can. I had seven (probably possible to have two more if you move the CN). Use these to supress the emitters.
Use the AoA on the PZ to nullify the adjacent emitters.

You don't need to go round the final turn - you can nullify the inhibitor with a guppy supported by bombers once you have got mortars in range