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Game Times

Started by sohn, August 20, 2015, 11:33:32 AM

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The top scores for games are impossible for someone to get without hacking. I understand the times like 1 minute on the earlier maps but some of the times are in the range of 30 seconds on the higher maps. I suggest that there be a minimum time to submit a score or if not that then two sections one for anyone whos score is insane like under 3 minutes on most maps and then the other for us normal people (not hackers or those who are really addicted).


You can report hacked scores here:
Please keep in mind that there are players who are really good at this game (check out the video AlterOld posted last week, a paster.healer map starting with a 'J'), especially maps with inhibitors or only one emitter can sometimes be beaten very fast.
Blocking impossible scores on the client side has been discussed but will not be implemented.


I find this sort of thread very humiliating to contemplate as my goal is to crack the All-time top-250.  Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't.  I found a neglected Prospector world and got into the top 50 once, but otherwise it's still a happy day to get into the top 100.  Admittedly I've only had CW3 a week or two, but I thought that by now I'd be a total ace.  Instead I'm still just figuring out the game, and it's all I can do to pull off a victory on the large Prospector maps.  :)

I once did so crappy that I accidentally earned an achievement because one of my orbitals went up into space (because it was over-run) and I sprayed AC on creeper everywhere.  But hey, I'm having fun, and I earned the 49er badge, so I'm making progress Prospecting. 


The people with the really good scores, they are often those who have been playing CW1 and TD games for years. If you really want a good time fast, the game, when it comes down to it, is an energy management game. Do experiments: Keep the energy between empty and full perpetually; how long can you go without building weapons; what is the cost to energy ratio each of collectors and reactors; what is the creeper destroyed to energy ratio of each of the weapons.

Play for speed on some of the maps in colonial space that have many times below 1:30. They require the discovery, usually, of only about six steps that are optimally efficient.

And abuse the pause button.