Custom Map #2411: Miniature Land 9. By: Flash1255

Started by AutoPost, August 18, 2015, 05:16:49 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2411: Miniature Land 9

Author: Flash1255
Size: 69x57

The starting tactic is obvious; compact your structures in a grid-like fashion, and build reactors wherever it's safe. #Jinspired #Miniland #Digitalis+ #noRunners #noSpores #Void #EO-inspired


I respect those who quote me the least.

Loren Pechtel

One mortar keeps half the threat at bay.  Two blasters take care of the rest.  It just becomes an exercise in how fast you can kill the emitters.  How some people accomplished their times I have no idea.


You can simultaneously destroy all emitters at once. The fun (and what makes this map particularly replayable) is that there are numerous paths to achieve that goal.