Custom Map #2226: Air Traffic. By: xMehmetx

Started by AutoPost, June 27, 2015, 08:43:36 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2226: Air Traffic

Author: xMehmetx
Size: 171x171



how do you get all that creeper back so you can nulify? ty, there is just so much, i cant win
Hi, I am a Bible believing christian.
I am a Youngevity distributor.


Quote from: PMouser on June 27, 2015, 11:26:20 AM
how do you get all that creeper back so you can nulify? ty, there is just so much, i cant win

Use the singularity weapon


huh? singerarity weapon, i been beating on it with the berthas
Hi, I am a Bible believing christian.
I am a Youngevity distributor.


I had no trouble with Berthas alone.  Well that and a lot of bombers and blasters.  And 12 strafers per emitter to knock out digitalis.


Brilliant map!  Frankly, I was stumped when I saw the tech limits.  But the forums came to the rescue.  This is a map with real depth.  Unlike the typical map were the player has less than 3 minutes to build over 20 beams and twice as many reactors.  And no space to do either.  Thanks!!
I respect those who quote me the least.

Loren Pechtel

This one looks downright scary when you see the tech limits but it wasn't that hard.  I didn't resort to the singularity, there was no need of it.  I had all the Berthas on auto keeping the creep down, 12 strafers that I directed against one emitter, followed by a strike *NEAR* the emitter with my bombers.  That gave me plenty of space for a guppy to build a nullifier.  Rinse and repeat.  Even the central inhibitor fell to this, it's 2000 is slow enough it couldn't wipe out the pool protecting the nullifier fast enough.