Reset graphics settings on Linux

Started by draxbear, June 22, 2015, 07:48:33 AM

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Hi there, I'd like to change my graphics settings but can't as the startup window is full screen and offset relative to my two monitors. The planet marked "settings" orbits around but can't be clicked on for the 50% of the time it's visible. Is there a configuration file I can tweak/remove to "reset" the graphics settings back to their default? It worked great first time around but on subsequent startup is now in this crazy one-half-of-two-monitors mode.



Take a look here:

Scroll down the the standalone player arguments.  In particular:
-adapter N (Windows only)   Allows the game to run full-screen on another display. The N maps to a Direct3D display adaptor. In most cases there is a one-to-one relationship between adapters and video cards. On cards that support multi-head (they can drive multiple monitors from a single card) each "head" may be its own adapter.

Do that, and you can probably force the game to one monitor only.  Not sure if this will help, but maybe...

The settings I keep up with are in this file:
You can edit the XML file (while the game is not running) to tweak the screen size, fullscreen setting, etc.

Oh yeah, you said on linux :)
The GameSettings.xml file is here on linux:


Thanks for that, the location of the game settings file was the key (~/.config/creeperworld3/GameSettings.xml).

It had the wrong values in the WindowWidth and WindowHeight feilds. I changed them to match the fullscreen resolution and the screen is now aligned much better. It was almost "trapisoidal" as well as chopped in half before,

Thanks for your quick help!