Custom Map #1868: Astarte. By: Lost in Nowhere

Started by AutoPost, March 16, 2015, 11:43:45 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1868: Astarte

Author: Lost in Nowhere
Size: 131x117

The Ore Extraction Corporation has commissioned Abraxis to mine away some ore from the rings of Astarte. Dig through the asteroids to complete the quota! Conveniently, nullifiers do not function. At all. Plan accordingly. Please leave feedback!

Lost in Nowhere

I originally made this a few months ago, but abandoned it (presumably, I'm not entirely sure) because of the uncooperative CRPL. Mostly just the images. They still don't want to work entirely.

Anyways, the strategy that seems to work the best for me:
Expand aggressively at the start, place a blaster at each digitalis trail leading onto your islands, build up energy, and start terping away.
Don't die! :)


I'm connected to the southern ship but it's not transferring ore.


No idea what to do here. I got the ore, I connected to all ships - and now?????


When I played, AC was transferred directly to the ship immediately. I connected to the ships before I got any AC - don't know if that makes any difference.


I assumed that I only needed to collect the ore that was visible by the grey boxes that were partly obscured.

In actual fact you need more but the ore is hidden at a depth of 5 or 7, I had to tear my base apart to find enough, rather frustrating and rather boring.

I loved the idea but as I could not tell how big the status bar of each ship was I had no idea how much more ore I needed, I was about to quit when it completed.

Great idea but needs clearer parameters or me.

Also why a forge but no totems?


some of the ore is deeper than level 5. I'm not sure how low - I gave up checking and just terped down to level 1. There is enough ore not to need to destroy your base - you can also ignore half the map.

Lost in Nowhere

Yeah, perhaps I could have made it a bit clearer how it works. The amount of ore needed totals to 3000, and ore is distributed at random depths through the terrain; deeper deposits tend to have more ore.

I don't know why any of the ships might not work... I ran into one issue (getting partial units of AC and being less than one away from being full would make it impossible for it to ever fly off), but fixed that.

If I make more of this sort of map, I'm planning on adding some way to find ore deposits without digging - a scanner of some sort. As for this one, digging single-tile holes down to level 1 works for finding them, and takes far less time than flattening the entire terrain. For bonuses, the three 3x3 islands have a large ore deposit at level 1. And the landing pad doesn't have any under it. (Aside from that, no, I don't know where any of the ore is specifically.)

I have also discovered that custom menus, controls, &c are painful to implement.
Don't die! :)


No ship is working for me - collecting ore, but nothing is being transferred... What's the trick? Does the order matter - first ore or first the ships? Or?


No idea what's wrong - can anybody help?

Lost in Nowhere

I honestly have no idea why it wouldn't be working...  :-\
Don't die! :)


To bad - it looks like a fun map - but not working at all here


I only play PAC maps these days but this one looked interesting so I played it - I see what you were trying to do and I liked it. It worked for me and I thought the concept was a great idea. My only thought was that after I had built the base on the first island, to find that to get at the ore I had to destroy a lot of what I had built and rebuild it elsewhere was pretty annoying. If you had built the first island as level one all over then that would of been much more fun for the first time players I think. As already mentioned, having some kind of level indicator to know how much ore you have would have been great . Actually quite easy to do as well :)

Cheers for the map and the effort you put into it :)
A child of 5 could beat this map ... Go fetch a child of 5 !