Custom Graphics

Started by pastor.healer, February 05, 2015, 02:58:23 PM

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Could someone please point me to any good teaching on how to work with custom graphics with Crpl?

I have noticed in a lot of games that things like emitters are much larger than the original Virgil emitters.  Is this because we
are limited to the 64x64 min size?

Also, I don't really get how to insert a graphic into the core set on the game.  I see how to add graphics but not how to
link them. 

Thanks a lot!


I assume you've been looking at the tutorials and code samples on the wiki? Used to be a fair number of helpful things there. As there  are helpful folks here on the forum... :)


Create or download a graphic that is 64x64, 128x128, or 256x256, go to Custom Images, click on Custom0 in whatever size your image is, select your image, double-click your CRPL core, click Set Image at the top of the menu, and select Custom0 - it should be there.


Aha!  Thanks much...  :)