Custom Map #1376: Abandoned Power. By: Pastor.Healer

Started by AutoPost, November 21, 2014, 02:36:19 PM

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I have to admit I have no idea how to beat the map. I can take out about half the baddies, but then there's just way too many runners, they stun everything forever.


Quote from: xoft on December 02, 2014, 12:12:43 PM
I have to admit I have no idea how to beat the map. I can take out about half the baddies, but then there's just way too many runners, they stun everything forever.

Use blasters targeting digitalis only to keep the runners contained - upgrade your attack range if you're having trouble (guppies to the totems for your forge). Use strafers help the digi destruction, but don't strand too many runners at once, or they'll just ruin your day as they pop. Once you have a bertha or two, you can start mass runner destruction. You can also use the forge's beam thing if too many runners pop at once and you're getting overwhelmed.