Reporting (hopefully) false positive malware warnings from Avast

Started by sabinou, September 16, 2014, 06:28:09 AM

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Hello !

An image is better than a thousand words, I thought it would be helpful to report Avast not liking Creeper World :

Ideally, Virgil ought to contact them to tell this is a false issue, I guess.

Good day to everyone !


Yeah, I've gotten a few reports about the 64bit exe for CW3 getting a false positive from avast.  I don't use avast, but I assume it has a way to report a false positive from within the client.  If so, please report this as a false positive.   The 64 bit version is the same as the 32 bit version (except it is compiled for 64 bit systems only).... there's no adware-gen infection in the 64 bit version of CW3.


Already did that ;)

But that would gain more weight coming from the creator of the program, I'm certain.