Custom Map #2567: The Set Up: It's a Bomb

Started by AutoPost, November 03, 2013, 06:01:04 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2567: The Set Up: It's a Bomb

Author: The Little Cheese

Straight to the action. Two front lines.



I had betterluck using repulsers instead of shields.


You don't have to have 2 front lines. Just build a Blaster next to your ship to kill the Creeper underneath. Then you can kill the Creeper at the bottom and only take on the massive Creeper up top when you are ready.

That's the fastest way, unless of course you use a hex/memory editor to give yourself unlimited energy and then submit your phoney score like a punk (coughyouknowwhoyouarecough).


Hmm - I believe that constitutes a bit of a spoiler... But yes, you needn't take on both fronts at once.


Zack on cw3