Latest Adobe Air

Started by Ordinaryman, June 28, 2014, 09:24:19 AM

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The latest Adobe Air does not let you run CW 1 or CW 2

You may notice a lot of complaints about that........


What version of Adobe AIR do you have installed that does this?


How to determine version of Adobe AIR installed:

Edit 2:  Currently I have
New version offered is:

I'm going in for the update now. If it borks things, I'll look at how to revert. :)


I updated and no issues. Ran CW1, CW2, CW1 map editor and CW2 map editor. All came up and gave no issues.


I have the latest, the 14 something...... this is what I get:

I have tried everything to make the games work again. Totally wiped Adobe from my system, and reinstalled many many times. No love.
Adobe doesn't care, even though a ton of my applications refuse to run, and give me the above message.


Must have something to do with your system. It really sucks when that happens.


I'm away from the office till tomorrow. But send me an email to There are some things we may be able to try.

Also I don't have any issues either. But if there is some edge case on some systems that Adobe introduced in their latest build, they may correct it in their next update.