Custom Map #2654: Reality Squared

Started by AutoPost, June 27, 2014, 07:01:04 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2654: Reality Squared

Author: Viper00900



A quick and easy one. I'm working on cutting my time down as much as possible by rushing the beam w/ crystals at the start and ignoring everything else leaving a wall to block the creeper coming around the top. Quickest I got it down to was 2:45, but I feel like if I was a bit heavier with the pause button and didn't use fast forward so much I could easily cut a bit more off that too.
Fun map though.


Not a big fan of speed maps, but couldn't help giving this map one more go to try to shorten the time! Fun, quick little map


If you guys a willing to try, I'm sure my score can be beat by at least one second.


FYI. The Fields push all Creeper/Anti-Creeper counterclockwise.

1. Go down and slightly right to dig out the right side (and left side)
2. Make a Shield on the right side to keep the Creeper below the opening (this is why you need to be slightly right, in order to make it in time).
3. Move the Ship left to get the Dark Beam and start a Nullifier.
4. Start a Dark Beam on the right pointing down and another in the middle pointing up (dig a spot for it).
5. Blasters and Makers on the bottom with Nullifiers. (this is the big time waster). Leapfrog Blasters to the right of the Emitters BEFORE they die.
6. Crystals and Reactors as needed
7. Turn on the Dark Beams. Destroy the bottom one after the Creeper dots are gone.
8. Mop up the last Creeper being pushed into the right (down) Dark Beam. If you made enough Makers and Blasters the Anti-Creeper should be going past the Emitter BEFORE it is killed by the Nullifier.
9. Good luck!


Quote from: Bongo on July 24, 2014, 02:54:52 PM
If you guys a willing to try, I'm sure my score can be beat by at least one second.

Even 3 seconds  :P


I think it's better not to dig the right side. You can place the shield in the top right corner without haste.