Custom Map #155: Canyon. By: Something

Started by AutoPost, January 27, 2014, 12:29:35 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #155: Canyon

Author: Something
Size: 100x256

Fight your way up the rugged canyon, pushing back digitallis, runners, and ever thickining creeper. Watch out for spores.


Fun game!
Actually easier than it looks at first.
Worth a second play.


Thanks, it's my first attempt at making a map.

Question though, did the dialogue messages load? It did not for me on d-load from CS. Probably a noob mistake somewhere when I finalized the map. That pickup at the top makes a lot more sense with the dialogue.


Quote from: Something on January 27, 2014, 09:56:50 PM
Thanks, it's my first attempt at making a map.

Question though, did the dialogue messages load? It did not for me on d-load from CS. Probably a noob mistake somewhere when I finalized the map. That pickup at the top makes a lot more sense with the dialogue.
The dialogue was fine.


Quote from: Something on January 27, 2014, 09:56:50 PM
Question though, did the dialogue messages load? It did not for me on d-load from CS.

I just went back and did a 're-start'. The dialogue did not run - but I'm not sure if it is supposed to.
By clicking on the 'Archived Transmissions', I was able to see all of the messages.


@Something: It's probably because the dialogue already ran for you when you played the map before uploading. Dialogue is designed to show up automatically the first time you play, and then be available in Archived Transmissions after than. Even though you downloaded it through CS, the map ID is the same, and your system has you registered as having already played it.
"Fate. It protects fools, little children, and ships named 'Enterprise.'" -William T. Riker


Interesting terrain.  Make more maps!

My only criticism is that I felt like the whole thing could have been scaled down a bit: smaller map, fewer runners, fewer spores, less space.  As it was, it seemed like a bit of a slog in places: doing the same thing over and over to push back creeper.

Quote from: Something on January 27, 2014, 09:56:50 PMQuestion though, did the dialogue messages load?

Confusingly, CW3 remembers which messages you've seen and doesn't re-display them even if you restart the map.  I have no idea why Virgil decided to do it that way.  But have no fear that other people will see them.


Thanks everyone for the input, and criticism, it's all helpful.

I've been thinking on an idea the last couple of days to build on, the positive response to this map is encouraging me to try another.