Shield keys

Started by Clean0nion, January 13, 2014, 03:00:10 AM

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How do they work?
Or more accurately, how do I use them?

They require a hash, which a Google result tells is in base64, which I understand. But can this hash be specific? Does it have to be a certain length? Can it not contain certain letters?

Essentially, I understand base64. But I don't understand the hash thing.

Can sometime assist me?


Place the shield key on a map, double-click as if you want to edit its properties and you'll see the the hash value of that specific key. With that you can use ArtifactCollected to check if the key you just placed has been collected.


Quote from: eduran on January 13, 2014, 04:05:44 AM
Place the shield key on a map, double-click as if you want to edit its properties and you'll see the the hash value of that specific key. With that you can use ArtifactCollected to check if the key you just placed has been collected.
Ah, so it sets automatically. Thank you.