How Mistet works, for those who are interested

Started by Clean0nion, November 18, 2013, 06:46:57 PM

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Imagine a shield. 

It's quite small. It pushes creeper away from itself and that's about it. 

Now imagine a reverse shield. It's the same as a pushy shield but this time it pulls creeper into it. It's a pully shield. 

Now imagine this pully shield a hundred times bigger and more powerful. Now take this giant reverse shield and put it in motion around a circle. 

Imagine that inside this circle is an island with a few emitters on it. That island is Mistet, and the shield is the magnetar moon. 

That's all Mistet is. A giant, moving, reverse shield. 

Have a nice day. 


Oh wow, now I feel stupid :L good to know if I ever want to do something similar. (Out of curiosity, I assume the "reverse shield" works like the singularity cannon?)


Quote from: Syth on November 19, 2013, 01:12:39 AM
the "reverse shield" works like the singularity cannon?)

Pretty much, except the SC is more powerful in its epicentre whereas the reverse shield has the same power all throughout its radius.


The CPRL function is EnableTowerField i believe, but I don't know how strong is for example the field form shields?


Quote from: pawel345 on November 19, 2013, 01:25:29 PM
The CPRL function is EnableTowerField i believe, but I don't know how strong is for example the field form shields?
I don't know the usual shield strength, but I know the shield strength on Mistet is either -10000 or -100000.