Where to place downloaded maps?

Started by Otterbear, November 29, 2013, 11:29:31 PM

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I can't figure out how to play that maps that I have downloaded. I've tried to load them from just about anywhere and I can't find them. Is there a special folder for this purpose?


I use "Load File" (planet floating around DMD) from game main menu. And it seems that it doesn't matter where the file is.

The only maps that are supposed to be loaded in different way are J's Units map pack:
Quote from: J on November 04, 2013, 10:19:45 AM
Open the .zip (sorry for not uploading all 18 maps one by one, if you need this, just post), extract the folders in your finalized folder. Then you should be able to open them from within the projects sector.


I made a new folder in my CW3 folder and named it Custom Maps. Then each user has his (or her) own folder.


Yea, I found that If I placed them in the actual game folder (In a sub folder) and NOT in Documents/Creepers World3...that I could load them. Oddly enough.
I guess J's instructions had me a bit confused. Thanks for clearing up that for me.


I normally create a folder for each map in the WorldEditor folder, place the file there, and rename it save.cw3. That means I can open it from the Projects planet and examine/edit the CRPL.


That is a good idea, CleanOnion. I will probably do both, to keep a record of Whose is Whose.

Still need to get a handle on where the default location should be, or if it is "user preference". This could lead to major confusion in the future.
I have yet to play my copy of CW2, but I was under the impression that there was a "custom Map" folder in that version.

Also, the "Load File" planet, defaults to the main folder for CW3, making is a little bit of a pain, to find the maps. (not the end of the world, I just need to get used to it I guess.) You would think that it would default to the Documents/Creeper World 3/ folder, if that is where we should be putting "loadable" files.


Quote from: Otterbear on November 30, 2013, 08:30:16 PM
Also, the "Load File" planet, defaults to the main folder for CW3
For me it defaults to C:/


Quote from: Otterbear on November 30, 2013, 08:30:16 PM
Still need to get a handle on where the default location should be, or if it is "user preference".

After Colonial Space is finalized and made available to players, there will be a default location, similar to the CW2 default location.  Until then, it's user choice. I have a folder named "Maps" and all custom downloads go in there - I'm not organized and I don't play many, nor do I have a need to open them in the editor. If I do, I can just set something up to make it happen.
A goodnight to all and to all a good night - Goodnight Moon


Quote from: Otterbear on November 30, 2013, 08:30:16 PM
who's is who's...(or is that whom's is whoms's)

Neither. You mean to say "whose is whose" as "Whose" is the possessive form. "Who's" is a contraction of "Who is" or "Who has". I know G recently said that this forum shouldn't really be a gateway to other sites, you know, to preserve wholesomeness and that, but I really can't resist this: One of my favorite online destinations, The Oatmeal, often writes grammar related comics, and this one concerning the usage of Who vs. Whom is entirely relevant.

A fair word of warning: The Oatmeal does sometimes employ the usage of bad words, though not in this particular comic. Explore his site at your own risk.


Quote from: TLMike on November 30, 2013, 11:36:23 PM
Quote from: Otterbear on November 30, 2013, 08:30:16 PM
who's is who's...(or is that whom's is whoms's)

Neither. You mean to say "whose is whose" as "Whose" is the possessive form. "Who's" is a contraction of "Who is" or "Who has". I know G recently said that this forum shouldn't really be a gateway to other sites, you know, to preserve wholesomeness and that, but I really can't resist this: One of my favorite online destinations, The Oatmeal, often writes grammar related comics, and this one concerning the usage of Who vs. Whom is entirely relevant.

A fair word of warning: The Oatmeal does sometimes employ the usage of bad words, though not in this particular comic. Explore his site at your own risk.


I am familiar with The Oatmeal,(That was a hilarious little short on the usages of Who vs Whom.) and Yes, my grand-ma-ma could use a little help now and then. I'm not very good at spelling either. I can't tell you the number of times I've had to re-upload my maps due to spelling errors.

The "Load Planet" may default to the last place you were looking, I'll have to look into that.
Glad to know that there will be a default download folder in future. (I have used the same approach of making my own, as many have suggested, until such time as "Colonial Space" comes online.)


I said that you could put my maps in your finalized folder because that would save you a lot of work. Loading them one by one using the loadfile planet makes you have to open/close multiple folders till a hopefully playable map is found (based on techs you have). A one-click play from your finalized maps list is much easier.

How to load maps to your finalized map list:
Create a folder under ...\Finalized\ and give it the name of the map. Put the map file in that directory and you should be able to play it. This is what it should look like then:
If it doesn't show up make sure the folder and the map file have exactly the same name (without extension)

As I put my unit maps in folders already this is a much easier method.


Thanks J.
I've had to come back to this thread to refresh my memory on how this is done properly a few times.
Perhaps someone could STICKY a version of these procedures until Colonial Space comes online.


I have been making folders into finalized folder by same name as the map, seems to work that way too. Although this might not be the right way to approach this. :|