Help! SetPopupTextAlwaysVisible(concat problem

Started by Neko187, August 10, 2013, 09:21:06 PM

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SetCreeper(CurrentCoords 1000 <-VacuumPercentage sub CurrentCoords GetCreeper 1000 div mul <-BackflowPercentage <-Stored 1000 div mul add)
<-Stored <-VacuumPercentage CurrentCoords Getcreeper 1000 div mul add <-BackflowPercentage <-Stored 1000 div mul sub ->Stored
<-Stored Trace
SetPopupTextAlwaysVisible(concat("Stored: " <-Stored))

this is part of a much larger script I plan to make, so that's why there are so many variables being declared.
Anyway, it's not exactly working. SetPopupTextAlwaysVisible is acting as a simple SetPopupText and instead of showing "Stored: X" as I would like it shows "StoredX"

Made clarification to subject and format. -G.
removed unnecessary text -neko
Everything is too long a list to work with.
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First of all, I didn't know the SetPopupTextAlwaysVisible existed =P
Have you tried adding coords to the argumants?
EDIT: now I know


SetPopupTextAlwaysVisible take a single argument, a boolean.  All this call does is say whether or not the popup text is always visible, or only on mouse over (the default).  Here is an example of what you want.

   #Makes the built in text field always visible rather than only visible on mouse over.
   #Move the built in text field down by 20 pixels so it isn't over the center of the unit.

#Set the built in text field to some string.  In this example it is something that is always changing.

If you would like to help me out with this, take what I put above and fill out the docs for all of the SetPopup* functions.  That will be one less thing to do in a couple of weeks.