Custom Map: GeneticModify

Started by AutoPost, February 03, 2012, 02:02:19 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: GeneticModify

Author: bacura

genetic modification to conquer


Another great map.

Here are a few tips:


1.  You will need to reconfigure the exterior of your fish.  For example, delete the Speed diamonds and rebuild them in the interior of the fish.  This frees up space for Blasters and a few strategic Relays.  Ditto for the Storage and Reactors.

2.  When the game is Paused (P key), you can (temporarily) place Relays on Creeper-covered terrain.  This helps you plan the correct Relay spacing and placement.  Of course, these items get destroyed by the Creeper when you Resume the game, but no loss.

3.  After the exterior of the fish is populated with sufficient Blasters, and you have sufficient Energy, you are ready to attack each corner of the map.  To secure a corner, build a fleet of six charged Blasters.  Pause, assign each Blaster to its landing zone, Resume.  They will land in a strong enough coordinated formation to clear out the Creeper.  Fly back one Blaster to make room for a Relay, then another.  Rinse and repeat for each corner of the map.


Fish??? That's meant to be a DNA molecule, look up your old science textbooks (unless you're young, in which case well done on having excellent spelling and grammar  :) )


Hah hah, of course you are right, it's DNA, not a fish.  I seem to have a penchant for seeing maps differently.  There has been a map here for 18 months, that most people see as a generator winding, but I see as a very graphic posture that cleverly snuck past the map review process.


I love your maps!

Danke für die Inspiration - habe ein Bonbon daraus gemacht! (map name: goody)

Viele deiner Karten habe ich schon gespielt und fand sie echt klasse!
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