Custom Map #245: 1.10 The Saver

Started by AutoPost, September 27, 2011, 12:01:03 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #245: 1.10 The Saver

Author: Link327

You took the task to rescue Farore's Sisters, Din and Nayru. If they are all free, its possible to ban Corvus. The final battle will come soon. Its now on you to save the gods from Corvus. To save the world from Corvus. He is defending his sources of power, Din and Nayru, with everything he has. Now go and beat him!


really fun map. It was tricky for a CW2 newbie like me, but really nice. Best CW2 map I've played so far.


ummmm played a lot of maps even some claiming to be harder (still working in pinball :P ) but this got me stumped unless its just mass antocreeper/tech/units to beat 2nd room.

Tryed rushing but creeper just builds way to fast in there.

Will keep trying i guess.



Same tactic needed as in 1.9.
AC-Bombs. You have infinite amounts of AC. USE IT!
In the end, I had a consumption of -650 or something like that. Fifty makers all on charge mode, all fullfilled, all bursting same time same place. Imagine that explosion... One single explosion and whole second room is cleared without using ANY blasters or launchers. (i built them anyway, had a deficit building at begin, and NO energy consumption 7 secs after firing the AC-NUKE^^


is 1.11 still coming? or is this the last one
go Dutch
go Netherlands
Holland ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A bit late , but: I dont know if it is coming, I'm not the creator of 1.11, Ebon Heart wanted to help me with it, but still there is no result.



I really enjoyed all the maps up to this one, but this seemed a bit of a let down.
The AC bomb tactic to take the 2nd room wasn't difficult - as long as you saved beforehand to ensure you had enough makers. But it sure was a massive speedbump.
The rest of the map was really easy. I'm not sure if I wasn't meant to claim the capsules until after I fought the boss, because I could see him below with his emitters and cool form. But as soon as I claimed them, the map ended...