Custom Map #1340: Day 4: The volcano

Started by AutoPost, August 09, 2012, 06:01:05 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1340: Day 4: The volcano

Author: thejoe66



to easy, try again, but make it harder to get to the capsules
Wait until you see this --- oh wait....nevermind


no man you no understand this is just a fun quike speed level trying to t=get the biggest score
"Humanity is probably the only animal capable of hating itself."-The end of Evangelion


Not the right shows the time course of the game on the site. The number of points - correct.

It should be as follows:

Score = 134335
Time = 4:16


Quote from: a on August 11, 2012, 03:42:19 PM
Not the right shows the time course of the game on the site. The number of points - correct.

It should be as follows:

Score = 134335
Time = 4:16

Your fastest time and highest score are shown on the scoreboard, and they do not have to be from the same run. In a map like this, you can play it twice; once for time and once for score. The best of both of the times you played it will show up on the scoreboard.
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Quote from: Sqaz on August 28, 2011, 02:49:35 PM
The comments are here to comment, dare to use them.


What exploit are you turkeys using to beat me by 4 seconds?! ;<

(P.S. We all used Shields, if you don't want us to use the Shield Tech then disable it next time. :P )


134147 without shields.  Left one turret and that nanochip.