cool game

Started by nimlot, December 08, 2009, 02:32:26 AM

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i came across the training simiulator a few days ago and loved it so much i bought the full version an im' still playing through. This game has some similarities with another game ive played called 'perimeter' but ive never come across the 'creeper' in a game before.

i had a go creating a map, i'll do some better ones in future though lol.


indeed the relationship has been mentioned once before, personally i havent played it but it seems kind of similar in some aspects, but anyway, gad to add another person to our little group and hope to see your maps and input ;)


cool thanks, and i would like to make some maps with a story, i'll have a think on it :)


Sweet... I'm loving the maps people come up with.  Very creative stuff indeed.


i have a couple more maps in progress, they're not the typical kind of maps but i enjoyed doing the evolution one, i'll do more testing on these next ones with the emitters because i dont think i did very well on my first go.