Fine, I will quit. But WTF?

Started by dinglingling!, April 16, 2010, 10:03:25 PM

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 fine... I will stop making maps, but you are not wondering, " hey, he is only a newbe". So shut up for the last time I am done with the maps!


What was the need to post this?  Attention?


I've locked this topic since I want to say a few things about custom maps, feedback, and how I personally deal with negative feedback.

Anytime someone makes an honest effort at a map, with good intentions, they have my appreciation.  Now this doesn't mean that every map is a great map, or even a good map.  The community is usually quick to point this out. 

If you get negative feedback and have posted several maps, then it can mean a few different things.  One the one hand it can mean that reasonable people don't like the maps.  In this case my advice would be to reflect on your maps more carefully before you release them.  Criticism can really sting  (I have about 10,000 critical comments on various boards, comment systems, and email for my games), but you can learn to take the criticism and use it to improve your efforts with time and measured responses.

On the other hand there can be criticism that is unjustified.  Sometimes this will be obvious and sometimes only you know.

In both cases, I like to;
-Reflect upon what is said.
-Discard some feedback (based on experience and wisdom gained over time).
-Consider some remaining feedback based on my interests, skills, and time.
-Act with confidence, precision, and appropriate measure to do greater things.