Custom Map #1229: stage four, ground

Started by AutoPost, June 25, 2012, 07:01:05 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1229: stage four, ground

Author: HK



ok looking at some of the scores and times i think i should do a walk through. *note this is for note useing the crystals that take away a good chunk of your score*


first use your tech on ether one upgrade on unit speed or fire rate
the rest for any thing else( i did reactor and storage)

*keep the makers charging till full then and only then use produce,, keep the charged AC for when you need it later*
what i did was move 2 launchers and 2 blasters  to the left and right emmiters at the top.
this force will be enough to push it back and free the anti creeper. wile doing that move the remaining 2 blasters and launchers down to hold off those emmiters.
with the creeper pushed build ONE(1) nullifier at a time as to not over work your energy.

repeat this for the the other emmiters below on the first level. that will clear it and now you can get ready for lower parts. how ever you need to make more coils for the next wave of phantoms.

now by now your makers should be full. and the chambers below are full of creeper. build a repulsor for each side. now build 3 shields to trap your AC against the ground where you plan to "breach" in to the creeper chamber, and use the repulsor to push it into the creeper chamber. *note here i made another blaster on each side to help with the drones*

this is straight foreword with chamber after chamber how ever i made a lot more makers and making them charge to use for later. i also made a few more creepers to fight the drones and upgraded the unit range *youll have the points by now for sure* be sure to get all the crystals.

now when you get to the last chamber where you are about to break out of it  be sure you have your launchers able to get the farthest creeper to weaken it. and blasters to help kill the creeper and the drones. maby use some of thoes makers to have a bigger sheild chamber of AC but not all
the worse is still to come. be careful for the drones with the health that they have. (100hp)

be sure to get to the conv bomb as soon as you can to help get rid of the creeper

this too is straight foreword just kill the creeper till you get to the bottom.

grab those makers you have been charging and make them burst all in to a shielded chamber of your own *thus compacting it* use your repulsors to throw it into the creeper.
*note i have built a HUGE "fort" of shields and and makers with i wana say like 20 or so blasters to kill thoes drones and still lost a little ground when taking the bottom chamber* the conv will help TONS with it and you should be able to to win the map


my name is HighKing and its been fun doing this

open to any and all comments and ways to improve my maps

note any troll comments will be pointed at and laughed at