Custom Map: MovieFilm

Started by AutoPost, March 29, 2012, 05:08:11 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: MovieFilm

Author: bacura

cross over the movie films


I found this map easy to play, but frustratingly difficult to finish.  Here is a tip:

In the last row of Totems, the middle Totem is the hardest to connect.  Connect the other four Totems first.  Then make sure you have lots of Speed, and a straight-line path of Relays from Odin City to the final Totem.  Fly two fully-charged Blasters next to the Totem.  Leave the north Blaster armed, but save the south Blaster's charge by keeping it initially disarmed.  Then Pause (P key), fly the north Blaster away, place a Relay in its place, and arm the south Blaster.  If you have done everything correctly, the south Blaster will have just enough charge to protect the Relay until the Relay is built and the first energy packet arrives to recharge the south Blaster.  Success!