Daos' is helping: Prisoners

Started by Daos, April 04, 2010, 03:55:55 AM

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Soooo, PacMan is having a hard time on my map prisoners. (And maybe some other folks, too). So I decided to give everyone the "official" solution for the puzzle-part of that map:

You should pause the game just at the beginning, while the text is still there. After that, set four collectors at every prisoner. The tricky part is, that you need to optimize Odin's route. If you fly directly towards the first prisoner you may run out of time for prisoner three or four. In addition, you should move Odin while the "rescued" messages are still visible. The attached picture shows you the "official" positions for the collectors.

By the way, now that I removed the challenging puzzle part, let me say: Gratulations to Varana. You have/had the highscore before I posted the solution :)

(If someone needs a new challenge, try "Desert Rain". Spiffen is the only one that mastered this map so far ... seems harder than I thought ;) )


I've just played desert rain and i don't get what's so hard about that map, it's just building two rows of collectors and some blasters.


I did it with significantly different collector placements. 1 and 2 at the same time (total 3 collectors - two where you have them, one about the middle of the green Odin City box on your screenshot and land to connect to both 'lines' at once - the first of the 2 collector line is mostly built before the city lands) then 3 with the collector beside the corner of the regular wall and Odin City just to the left of that. For 4 I put the collector against the left wall and landed as close as I could (without connecting to the totem)

I lifted off after collecting pod 4 just before the emitters started.

Yes; it took a few tries to get the beginning right.
Power. Power! I must have more POWER!