Custom Map: TimePuzzle

Started by AutoPost, February 18, 2012, 10:53:44 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: TimePuzzle

Author: bacura

no battle
it's puzzle!


I got stuck with trying to use the clock and grid, from what I could see, the blasters were useless because it was pointless trying to remove a relay to put the blaster in place anyway.  Unless I wrote down each combination at each tick of the left clock, which I'm not sure would be any good anyway.  I couldn't work out what the right clock meant.

Here's how I did it:
I actually just bridged the last relay spot, which was very tedious, the left clock indicated when it would be destroyed, but just build it after it emits.



1. Watch right side of each blasters.
   There is 3 dots array seems to random.
   High-Low-High,  High-High-High, etc...
   It means emitter activate timing on each block.
   HHH is active every 10sec.
   LLL is dummy emitter. never activate.
   other patterns are  indicated in hint area.
   LLH is activate every 60sec and delayed 10sec
   LHL is activate every 60sec and delayed 20sec
   HLL is activate every 60sec and delayed 30sec
   LHH is activate every 60sec and delayed 40sec
   HHL is activate every 60sec and delayed 50sec
   HLH is activate every 60sec and delayed 60sec

2. Watch left side of each blasters.
  Thers is two types of table.
  If it's square type table, you can move blaster to left side.
  Then you can build a relay in safety regardless of emitter activate timing. (with emitter cap)
  If not square type, it have any risk for build a relay.(because emitter is not capped)

I can't write English well.
Sorry for can not explain well and writing broken English...



Used the hint and eventually used 2 different paths to finally charge the totem.  Excellent design, can't imagine how much time that must have taken.  Thank you.


Pawned...  ;), bridging worked out...dont know the level...crazy puzzle fuzzle not my style, thanks anyway !

Rpr, nice work ! *ripped the level*